Happy Daylight Savings Time.
Please get fair shares in now. Thank you.
Well, the band trip that has been in the works for over a year is finally upon us! THIS Thursday we depart for Cozumel on our 4 day voyage on the Carnival Fantasy. Everything you need to know can be found on our trip page of the website by clicking HERE. Good luck with any last minute packing!
The Crawfish Festival is just around the corner. We will be going over a bit of information about this at the monthly BPA meeting this Tuesday. We have opened up the volunteer sign-up for this event. You can sign-up by clicking HERE. I will also be sending out a form for item for our hospitality room this week as well.
Speaking of BPA meeting, this Tuesday, the BPA will start accepting nominations for next year's board. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone for the positions, please attend the meeting and submit the names. All offices are up for re-election. These offices are President, 1st Vice President of Operations, 2nd Vice President of Administration, Secretary, and one Trustee. If you would like to know the responsibilities of each of these positions, you can click HERE for to look over the BPA constitution and by-laws.
This will be the last weekly update for a couple weeks as Spring Break is next week. Please keep up with the calendar on the website for upcoming events as well as the band Facebook page for updates on the cruise when we depart.
That's all for now. I hope everyone has a nautical week!
Happy Birthday to the following students according to Charms:
Natalie Mason - Today (Sunday)
Robert Baker - Tuesday
Dominick Skultety - Wednesday
Brendon Pitts - Friday
Anna Coy - March 18th
This Week:
6pm-9pm - IP Rehearsal
4pm-9pm - Winterguard Rehearsal
7pm - MHSBPA Monthly Meeting
6:00-8:00 pm - Bandroom open / Drop-off Medication & Luggage
- Go to Trip website for full itinerary, CLICK HERE
Teacher Planning Day (No Classes)
Looking Ahead to Next Week:
Mon - Return from Band Trip
Thus - Winterguard Rehearsal
Sat - FSU Trombone Day, Daphne Indoor Competition
Looking Ahead 2 Weeks from now:
Mon - Concert Band Rehearsal, IP Rehearsal
Tues - Concert Trumpets Sectional, Winterguard Rehearsal
Wed - School-owned Instrument Inventory
Thurs - IP Rehearsal, Winterguard Rehearsal
Fri - Good Friday (No Classes)
Together We Are THE MIGHTY BLACK & GOLD!!!